Welcome to Mowercam!

This is a website of Martins' automatic grass mower. It is nicknamed "Skalman", which is the name of a Swedish cartoon turtle who has a special eat-and-sleep clock.

skalmancam.jpg (26613 bytes)

Skalman is a product from Husqvarna of Sweden called Automower ( www.automower.com) which cuts the grass at certain intervals, then goes back to its charger station.

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This website contains live image transmissions from Martin's skalman, which has a live camera on top of it. You can monitor it live if you want, just click here! N.B! The mower is having food between 9 AM and 6 PM CET (DST) and takes a 2 hour break every now and then for recharging. When charging, the camera is shut off (to save power and speed up recharging). In addition, it is only cutting in the spring and summer, other seasons it is resting.

How does it work ? Credits Highlight from a cutting session in the summer of  2001 Become a member of the Mowercam fanclub

Related links: www.dopeshit.com - in year 2001 this was what became google-streetview (check the site owner!). Now the site is hijakced....

www.askero.com - a great fairy tale site! www.axis.com and www.automower.com We refuse Cookies at this site. Privacy policy legal fineprint on your lack of rights when using this site

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